Untitled Penguin Game

is a little platformer demo starring a lazy penguin who guards his grandfather's treasured crown - or rather, he was supposed to, until he fell asleep on the job and a scheming polar bear calling himself the "Emperor Thief" conveniently showed up to steal it. Now he has to travel all over the snowy expanse to get it back. Can he (you) pull it off?

NOTE: This is a demo version. More levels are planned for the future.

About the Game

This was a class assignment and my first real foray into GB Studio!

Additional Areas of Development

I was a bit stubborn on trying to make all the assets myself, and while I'm proud to say I succeeded, it certainly didn't help me time-wise when halfway through adding a custom actor sprite, one of the scenes didn't take kindly to it and caused my entire program to go haywire. Can't say I'm proud of the over 5 extra hours it took me to fix it...

I wanted to be clearer on when a new level started, so I made a display scene that changes appearance based on a level variable and introduces each level before actually changing to the level scene. Additionally, since a few of the smaller scenes are built for dialogue-heavy cutscenes, I figured I'd add a "skip cutscene" toggle the player can enable if they so choose.

Very glad I learned how to set collision groups on puzzle objects so I could actually give the player's fish projectile some non-offensive utility. I honestly had a lot more I wanted to do, like a Kirby/Devil May Cry-type combat ability swapping mechanic, but upon further inspection of the project's due date, I had to scrap about 80% of my ideas. RIP.

Please enjoy nonetheless!

Sprite & Tile Assets: Yours truly!
Plugins: Platformer Plus by hauntology

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